Ayra Katrin Library Update

In this updated image of the front, you can see a change to the front tower face. The national Seven-Star symbol has been moved up, and beneath it is a large circular window bearing a new symbol for the Ayra Katrin. This is the “major sigil”, a more detailed design used for big things like this window.

Also new in this update are the triangular holes to the sides of the hexagon. In these openings are the residences, where many Ayra Katrin live on site. When the library was constructed, the “ground floor” was two floors below the one you see. They artificially built up the hill, essentially burying two floors.There is a commons area hidden underneath the hexagon.

This image shows an older version of the main hall on the left, and the latest updates on the right. The biggest changes are smoother arches, some new crystal lamps, improved roof windows, and an altered stage/podium under the dragon wall sculpture.On the middle of the podium is the “minor sigil” of the Ayra Katrin. It’s kind of hard to see in this picture, but expect to see an update relating to these symbols soon.

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